

13 July 2024Ukulele Festival 2024

The Parish Council was pleased to support the 2024 Ukelule Festival, a great day raised £1700 for The Stephen Huges Foundation.  The festival included performances from eight local ukulele bands, professional artists, workshops and strum along sessions for all participants.

d-day 80 commemoration planterd-day 80 commemoration planter

From left to right, Hazel Hughes, Gary Hughes (Trustees of the Stephen Hughes Foundation), Councillor Gail Holdorf (Parish Councillor), Mike Grey (Village Hall Committee Chairman).

06 June 2024D-Day 80 Commemoration

Walkington Parish Council in conjunction with the Pond Committee decorated the Pond area in the village, a digitally printed sign was erected at the back pond with the official D-Day logo and a flag hung above, a spotlight was directed on both. A large 3-tier planter with red, white and blue flowers and a 'Least we not forget' sign with marching soldiers was placed near the shelter/seat at the pond. Lamp post signs from the RBLI were placed on the lamp posts in the centre of the village.  The majority of funds for the project was from the East Riding D-Day Community Fund.

d-day 80 commemoration planterd-day 80 commemoration planter


28 May 2024War Memorial at All Hallows Churchyard Cleaned

The war memorial at All Hallows Church has been cleaned by Greenleaf Contractors Ltd, one of Yorkshire’s leading experts in surface treatment and cleaning.  The memorial is looking greatly improved.

Photographs, before and after cleaning

war memorial before cleaning


15 November 2023RWE Dogger Bank South (DBS) Offshore Wind Farms Community Newsletter

Community newsletters can be viewed and downloaded from the Dogger Bank South website here: https://doggerbanksouth.co.uk/latest-news/#newsletters

There is also an interactive map on the website where visitors are able to enter their postcode and it will show you where the proposed onshore works are located nearby.  You can also view the entire onshore cable route along with the proposed landfall zones and substation zones on the map. You can find it here: https://consultationmap.doggerbanksouth.co.uk/

Residents are able to register for electronic or postal projects updates by emailing their details to dbs@rwe.com or by calling 0800 254 5459.

15 November 2023Flooding Information Required for Investigation

East Riding of Yorkshire Council are asking for any information on flooding that took place between September and November 2023 for their investigation.

If you have any photos, videos, descriptions or diagrams about flooding of internal property, external property or highways please forward it to:

Sam Barnes
Senior Engineer - Flood and Coastal Risk Management (01482) 395404

12 June 2023Citizens Advice Office Re-location

The Beverley office of Citizens Advice Hull and East Riding relocated to 33 Lairgate on Friday 02 June 2023

Drop-in advice sessions are open to the public every Friday between 10am and 4pm. Pre-booked appointments will be running on Monday’s and Wednesday’s.

17 November 2022Climate Change Strategy 2022 - 2030

image saying east riding climate change stratecy 2022 - 2023

East Riding of Yorkshire Council has launched its Climate Change Strategy 2022-2030, establishing a strategic vision and setting priorities for rapid decarbonisation and building climate resilience in East Riding.


To view the full Climate Change Strategy in full, please visit:


18 April 2022New website helps residents stay independent in their homes for longer

A modern and vibrant website has been designed to help keep residents independent in their homes longer and to improve the customer experience when seeking information about adult social care.

The website is in what’s called the ‘Beta’ phase at the moment; this means it is live and can be tested to gather feedback from residents to improve it further.

Adult social care’s new website includes more online tools that residents can use, such as a financial calculator and a community directory of support services.

For more information or to view the new website and give feedback, visit https://www.yourlifeyourway.uk or email yourlifeyourway@eastriding.gov.uk

To view the Your Life, Your Way video visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX8FekZj2FQ

15 December 2021Beverley and District Talking News

Beverley and District Talking Newspaper provides a weekly free CD with local news and magazine articles for those with sight loss, stoke or other condition making it difficult to read or hold a newspaper.

For further details pleae contact 01842 657073

26 October 2021Modification of the Definitive Map

East Riding Council is considering an application for a Modification of the Definitive Map regarding the footpath along Townend Road, running between Hunsley Road and Little Weighton Road. 

If you support the application and have used the route please complete the forms below and return to: Councillor Hearne, 25 All Hallows Road, Walkington, HU17 8SH.  If you require assistance please call Councillor Hearne on 01482 868310

User Evidence Form


If you are in objection to the application please download the letter below, complete the form at the bottom and return to: Martin Gore, 2 Shire View, Walkington, HU17 8TN.  If you require assistance please call Martin Gore on 01482 864430

Opposition Letter

21 June 2021Free Employment Support Service

free employment support service image and link

Supporting you back into work

We can help you

  • Create a professional CV
  • Search for relevant jobs
  • Ace those interviews

For more information text INFO to 07419 988588

or visit the website at myjobcoach.co.uk

Funded by comminity grants 5

24 February 2019Community Speed Watch

Community Speed Watch is to be rolled out in Walkington

For more information go to: humberside-pcc.gov.uk

If you would like to be considered as a volunteer contact the Clerk:

Telephone: 01964 623536
Email: clerk@walkingtonpc.co.uk
or use the contact form on this website


13 February 2019Gritting Facts

The sand/salt mix in the Grit Bins is supplied for residents to use on roads and footpaths.  It is not for residents to use on their own private drives!

Report empty Grit Bin to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Telephone: 01482 393939
Website: www.eastriding.gov.uk

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